Pressure Grows

Garment entrepreneurs should make their factories eco-friendly and compliant not only to restore the industry’s shattered image but also to ensure a working condition that respects workers’ rights and saves lives.

The call came at a seminar — Eco-friendly and compliant factory: a pre-condition for future business — at Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka yesterday.

Srinivas Reddy, country director of International Labour Organisation (ILO), said manufacturers should not see the issue of labour compliance as a cost issue.

“Rather, they should look at it as an investment that pays back later, increases productivity and saves lives.”He also reminded brands about their roles so that their sourcing practices do not lead to non-compliance in the country. “They need to promote compliance.”

Reddy said since the collapse of Rana Plaza there has been an unprecedented amount of commitments from local and global partners for improving labour standards and factory conditions in Bangladesh.

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