



Is PaCT a compliance program?2019-11-13T06:46:17+00:00

PaCT is not a compliance program.

PaCT supports factories to improve their efficiency and to take responsibility for their resource use. Through PaCT, service providers and the Textile Technology Business Center provide technical support to promote and implement Cleaner Production in the textile sector.

Does PaCT address labour issues?2020-05-11T07:47:27+00:00

PaCT does not look into labour issues.

How does PaCT take gender issues into account?2020-05-11T07:50:53+00:00

PaCT supported a wage digitation process for 12,000 garments workers. Wage digitization empowered the workers – especially the women. They can now get paid on time and MFS provides women to have savings and emergency credit options. Their finances are now more secure and they have a higher control on their income.

What is Cleaner Production (CP)?2019-11-13T06:58:56+00:00

Cleaner Production (CP) is best business practices. It is not a cost, but an opportunity that maximizes product output and reduces business risks through efficient use of resources (water, energy and chemicals). This leads to minimizing waste and pollution at source and increasing profits.

Conventionally, most factories rely on setting up pollution control equipment or end-of-pipe technologies for environmental management. However, these solutions tend to be costly and difficult to monitor. Experience shows that CP results in substantial savings for industry and society. So much so that some CP measures are effectively free of cost. Figure 1 shows factory savings that resulted after implementation of CP measures.

How can I find examples of other factory Cleaner Production projects, or showcase my own?2020-05-11T07:58:55+00:00

Success stories, and other information related to Cleaner Production are available at the Textile Technology Business Center.

What are User Groups?2019-11-13T07:03:14+00:00

PaCT regularly organizes User Group meetings, where textile factory managers, technical personnel, external technologists, service providers and vendors meet to share experience, discuss common challenges, and find solutions related to Cleaner Production (CP). User Groups are typically chaired and facilitated by the local CP service providers, who have received special training for facilitation. External experts (for example suppliers) may also be invited to support the group in the identification of best practices and solutions.

What finance will be available to help my factory purchase more advanced Cleaner Production technologies?2020-05-11T08:00:27+00:00

To facilitate investment in resource efficiency (REF) technologies, PaCT has developed financial mechanisms and products, enabling access to finance for factories and suppliers, and building awareness and capacity of financial intermediaries.

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