Bangladesh PaCT gets two new members, Sustainability News Bangladesh
IDLC has signed an agreement with Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT) program of International Finance Corporation (IFC) with an aim to develop a concise action[...]
BestSeller, GAP join Bangladesh PaCT,Daily Sun
The International Finance Corporation (IFC), a member of the World Bank Group, is partnering with two global leading apparel companies—BestSeller and GAP Inc –to work[...]
BestSeller, GAP Inc. join Bangladesh PaCT, Bangla News 24
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, is partnering with two global leading apparel companies BestSeller and GAP Inc. to catalyze the uptake of[...]
IDLC Signs agreement with IFC, Daily Sun
IDLC has signed an agreement with Partnership for Cleaner Textile (PaCT) program of International Finance Corporation (IFC) with an aim to develop a concise action[...]
Experts stress energy-efficient lighting for textile sector, The Financial Express
Speakers at a workshop Wednesday underscored the need for developing a strong business case for Solar PV and LED Lighting as 'green lighting options' and[...]
Bangladesh PaCT signs agreement with IDLC Finance Limited, New Age
IFC Bangladesh country manager Wendy Werner is seen along with others at a workshop on ‘Solar PV and LED Lighting' organized by Textile Technology Business[...]